Reports 2024

Gunfleet Sailing Club members filled the Clubhouse last Saturday 19 October 2024 to celebrate the end of the 2024 sailing season, with a Chinese meal and the presentation of trophies.  Commodore Richard Walker also celebrated thirty years of being at the helm of the Gunfleet, looking back to the start of the Club in 1962.  He was very pleased to report that 2024 had seen a bumper turn-out of boats taking part in the racing, with in excess of five hundred entries during the year; a record from his knowledge of the Club.

Gunfleet Sailing Club held the first race in its Winter Series on Sunday 13 October 2024 and the weather greeted the members accordingly.  A west/north-westerly breeze, combined with a lack of sunshine, resulted in a sharp morning as competitors rigged their boats.

The last race in Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Autumn Series was held on Sunday 6 October 2024 in the liveliest conditions of the year, to date, but it didn’t deter the hardy members from taking part.  

It was a lively sail in mountainous seas for those taking part in Gunfleet Sailing Club’s second race in its Autumn Series on Sunday 29 September 2024.  

Last Sunday 22 September Gunfleet Sailing Club held the last in its 3-in-1 events this season when the results of three short races, sailed back to back, combine to determine overall positions, and with two firsts and a second it was Tim Dye that took his RS Aero to victory.

Gunfleet Sailing Club held the first race in its Autumn Series on Sunday 15 September 2024 in a force three to four south-westerly wind, coupled with Summery conditions of blue skies and sunshine.  With the tide having turned and now ebbing, the helms recognised it was going to be quite a slog to beat down the coast on the first leg.  John Tappenden never got off the beach when the tiller on his RS Aero snapped, and he had to content himself by watching the race from the shore.

Gunfleet Sailing Club members enjoyed a fresh force four, gusting five, onshore breeze on Sunday 8 September 2024 when they took part in the race for the Fleet Championships.  With a flood tide under them, the boats drew closer and closer to the line, the helms edging each other forward.  As the start flag fell from the yardarm it was clear that the majority of the fleet had jumped the line, so up went the General Recall flag and five minutes later the whole start sequence was repeated.

Lively conditions faced the competitors at Gunfleet Sailing Club on Sunday 1 September 2024 when they took part in the race for the Toppo Single Handed Trophy.

Gunfleet Sailing Club held the second of its Personal Handicap Races on Bank-Holiday Sunday, 25 August, with Cadet Finley Taylor romping home in his Topper.

Gunfleet Sailing Club held its long distance race for the Jim Suckling Shield, held under quite trying conditions, which resulted in victory for John Tappenden in his RS Aero.

The fabulous weather on Sunday 11 August saw twenty-three boats take to the water when Gunfleet Sailing Club held one of its special 3-in-1 races; three short races, using the same course, back to back with no discards and all results counting to the overall positions.

Gunfleet Sailing Club members took part in the race for the John Venables Trophy on Sunday 4 August but were slightly frustrated by the light winds; Ken Potts claiming the trophy after a close tussle.

The Gunfleet Sailing Club members concluded their Wednesday evening Summer Series of races on 31 July 2024 in splendid weather – blue skies, blue seas, and a force four, gusting five, north-easterly wind.

Gunfleet Sailing Club members basked in the sunshine last Sunday 28 July as they took part in the rather unusual “Reverse Race”, when a course is set, and when completed requires the competitors to circumnavigate the Outer Distance Mark and return the way they came in order to finish.

The penultimate race in the Gunfleet Sailing Club’s evening Summer Series was held in somewhat overcast conditions and a stiff onshore breeze.