Competition Winners Get Boat Named

Competition Winners Get Boat Named

At one of the Cadet and Otter Winter Socials several of you entered the "name your boat" competition, and there were some really great names suggested.  The prize for the winning entry was to have the name sign-written on the boat and It was Charlie and Harry Spence that won with the name "Hobi 1 Kenobi" for their Hobie 405.  Just to make it a bit tougher for the sign-writter (our very own Club Commodore) they asked if they could have a lightsaber added, as well as a particular font style!!

Well Charlie and Harry brought their 405 down to the Club on Sunday 19 May and the paints were soon out and job done.  If they had brought the boat down a couple of weeks earlier our Club Commodore mused that he could have said to them "May the 4th be with you".....mmmmm!