Cadets and Otters Hold Their AGM

Cadets and Otters Hold Their AGM

It was the turn of the younger members last Sunday 13 December when the Gunfleet Sailing Club held its Cadet and Otter Annual General Meeting.  Cadet Commodore Daisy Swinbourne welcomed all those present and gave a review of 2015, highlighting the winter social events in the Clubhouse, the disruption to the Sailing On Saturday due to the coast protection works, and the wonderful Cadet Week that took place just after the new beaches had been opened.  She went on to report the excellent Cadet Day, with racing in the morning and water-based games in the afternoon, and the number of trophies the Cadets and Otters had picked-up at the annual Club Dinner and Dance and Prize-Giving.  Daisy concluded by saying that one or two of the senior Cadets would be leaving the group as they had now reached 18 years of age but she knew there were a lot of young budding sailors just about to join the Gunfleet; she went on to thank the Cadet Committee that had worked so hard together to make 2015 so special.   
The following were elected to serve on the Cadet Committee for 2016:
Commodore:  Daisy Swinbourne
Vice-Commodore:  Harry Swinbourne
Rear-Commodore:  Tom Philpot
Sailing Secretary:  Ross Aylen
Social Secretary:  Beth Elliott
Compound Officer:  Caleb Aylen
A report was then given of the many exciting events already planned for the Cadets and Otters in 2016, both on and off the water, and a healthy discussion then took place on further possible ideas.